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公  司:

Magna Fabrics,Inc.


2600 71 Street , North Bergen , New Jersey ( United States )






textile products


MAGNA FABRICS: offers incredibly low prices on a wide variety of fabrics for apparel, clothing, decorative, home furnishing, automotive, military, technical, industrial and most other uses. We primarily serve the export customer who is seeking to purchase large volumes of fabrics at very low prices. (Our prices for our export customers, particularly our most important friends and customers in AFRICA, ASIA, SOUTH AMERICA, ATIN AMERICA and EASTERN EUROPE are much lower in most cases than the prices listed). If you are from outside of the United States please contact us directly for your special low prices. We also welcome requests from and will gladly assist you on items not listed. If we do not have the item, we will direct you to a company that should be able to assist you. Click below to see some representative offers and prices:

电 话:

1 201 868 4000

传 真:

1 201 868 4664

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            南阳商务网 - 糖酒招商网 - 卫浴网 - Global Buyers & Suppliers - ChinaChemNet

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