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公  司:

Sourcing Business Solutions


20 West 64th Street Suite # 27-A






SBS in an apparel consulting firm specializing in Latin America (Mexico, Dominican Rep., Guatemala, El Salvador, Peru, and Colombia). We have over 18 years experience in manufacturing throughout the region and have been providing US apparel manufacturers/retailers with the following services: 1) To determine sourcing strategy, establish policies and implement operational procedures. 2) To provide reliable manufacturing resources and technical expertise for -807 operations- and/or -complete package- programs. 3) To support and train your current staff/infrastructure to ensure proper quality and timely delivery. 4) To succeed by transferring the knowledge and skills required to manage the sourcing, operational and manufacturing process autonomously and efficiently. Give us a call to discuss you current issues and needs.

法 人:

Rolando Medrano

电 话:

(212) 721-9112

传 真:

(212) 580-0560

邮 件:


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            南阳商务网 - 糖酒招商网 - 卫浴网 - Global Buyers & Suppliers - ChinaChemNet

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