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公  司:

Damodar Khetsey


Damodar Khetsey, 15 Burjorji Bharucha Marg, Mumbai, Maharashtra ( India )






Shirts & Blouses, Accessories, Cotton Fabrics, Hou


Damodar Khetsey, established in 1894 is one of the oldest fabric and apparel exporters from India. Our apparel division manufactures a variety of basic men s and women s clothes suitable for the casual/surf wear market. To ensure consistent quality, our fabrics and garments are regularly tested according to rigorous SGS standards. Our emphasis on quality of product and service is matched by competitive pricing. Our minimum order size is much lower as compared to China and South Korea. Our Company has its head quarters in Mumbai, the commercial capital of India and is situated in the heart of the city, whilst garment production and sampling is carried out in the central suburbs.

法 人:

Gaurav Arya

电 话:

9122 2674586

传 真:

9122 2619901

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