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公  司:

A. Textiles Tala S.A.


Av. Belgrano 1580 Buenos Aires






We make our initial introduction informing you that our firm set up in Argentina in 1958 as a textile industry to supply the local market needs. At that time, all tri-dimensional fabrics, particularly velvet , were imported from Europe. This forced us to develop and maintain high quality fabrics, similar and sometimes superior that the ones manufactured by the traditional European textile industry. At present, after 40 years, we have developed our own technology and the philosophy that leads all our actions: to do, every day, things better than yesterday. For some years we have started to export to demanding markets, with great satisfaction, Therefore we have specialized in the manufacturing and industrialization of velvets for the upholstery, furniture, decoration, and feminine and masculine fashion industry.

法 人:

Eng. Alex Mc Cormack

电 话:

(+54-11) 4381-5779

传 真:

(+54-11) 4383-8791

邮 件:


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